Is Your Teen Prepared for Spring Break?

Whether they are traveling or staying home with friends, make sure your students celebrate safely.

They have been trapped learning virtually for longer than you care to remember, and now that they are able to get a break, it’s important to educate them on how to enjoy it responsibly.

Whether they are 21 or underage, stressing the dangers of drinking and driving is vital to protect their future.

If house parties are where they will be spending their time, serving and possessing to minors carries major consequences and should be avoided at all costs.

According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health 7.05 million Americans between the ages of 12 and 20 report current alcohol consumption, and “the rate of current alcohol consumption increases with increasing age from nearly 2% among 12-13 year olds to nearly 19% at ages 16-17, and almost 36% among 18-20 year olds.”

No matter where they spring break this year, make sure your of-age and underage students are well aware of the dangers of drinking and if they find themselves under arrest, contact us immediately.