Cleveland Residents Face Eviction

lead poisoning eviction

The lead poisoning crisis in Cuyahoga County continues with many families facing eviction even after repairs.

As reported in the Plain Dealer, many families are being mistakenly forced out of their homes.

It is the city's job to protect citizens from the dangers of lead, and it appears a new host of issues has arisen as homes that have been eradicated from all threats of lead continue to remain on the city's "lead hazard" list.

As stated in the article, "The city informed Thelma Taylor, a 79-year-old, great grandmother of three, that she had 14 days to pack up and leave her house on Cleveland's East Side. The same city government that had helped her make her property safe was telling her she hadn't done the necessary repairs."  

This is just one of dozens of cases where proper repairs were made and yet these tenants are still facing eviction for lead.

If you are facing unlawful eviction, or if you believe your home is at risk for lead, contact us immediately.