New Budget Amendment Aims to Protect Landlords in Lead Poisoned Homes
/This would be a huge setback for Cleveland, as many families are living in hazardous conditions where lead poses a real and dangerous threat.
Lead poisoning is a real risk for children living in Cleveland, many of whom still remain unprotected.
The Plain Dealer recently reported, "this proposal restricts the ability of municipalities, like Toledo, to require higher health and safety standards than the state's current baseline."
This would seek to protect landlords and not the tenants and families who are exposed to lead and whose lives are at risk. Lead poisoning is a real risk for children living in Cleveland, many of whom still remain unprotected.
Studies found, "in 2015, 3 percent of tested children in Ohio were found to be poisoned by lead. Many of these children reside in certain census tracts -- like Cleveland's East Side -- where up to 25 percent of tested children suffered from lead poisoning."