Is January the New Divorce Month?
/Families that choose to stay together through the holidays tend to split in january.
The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers says divorce filings in January are usually one-third higher than any other month.
It is no secret that families choose to stay together through the holidays to give children one last season of being united before a split. Because of this delay, January often becomes the most popular month to begin the divorce filing process.
Mark Banschick, psychiatrist and author of "The Intelligent Divorce" series of books, calls the start of a new year an "existential moment" in that people look at their lives, realize they go by too quickly and that their current version is not happy.
Whatever the reason, it is essential for both parties to have adequate representation to ensure a smooth, successful divorce. We have decades of experience working with families seeking a divorce, and are prepared to work to make sure you receive all you are legally entitled to.