Cincinnati Seeks to Enforce Stricter Penalties for Landlords
/Thousands in Cincinnati are filing complaints against unsafe and unhealthy living conditions.
In less than a year, 5,000 properties in Cincinnati have received building code complaints.
A recent article uncovers the implications of illegal activity from these landlords and the effects on the families who live in their properties.
As was discovered in Cleveland with the recent lead poisoning epidemic in children living in substandard conditions, thousands in Cincinnati are filing complaints against unsafe and unhealthy living conditions.
Stated in the article by WCPO, “These complaints can take years to resolve. Meanwhile, the people who live in these places have few choices but to stay in conditions that can be squalid, unhealthy and unsafe.”
The importance of securing proper legal counsel in cases of faulty landlords, leases or living conditions cannot be overstated. Lipson O’Shea has dedicated countless resources to helping those living in unhealthy living conditions. It is essential for every family to secure residence in properties that are maintained according to all legal standards in place.