Our Recent Success in Our Client's Claim Against Dollar Bank

We had some recent and tremendous success for our client against a Pittsburgh-based bank called "Dollar Bank." The client had a large number of checks stolen from his apartment by a person he knew - and Dollar Bank let this person cash over $18,000.00 in fraudulent checks. Dollar Bank then refused to reimburse the client for the amounts fraudulently taken from his account (in violation of Ohio law).  It was our good faith belief  that the "investigators" for the Bank did not approve of the client's sexual orientation "lifestyle" and the fact that the thief was also gay. The lawyers for Dollar Bank as much stated so (somewhat accidentally) during pretrial discussions.  The Bank and its lawyers easily spent double  the amount at issue (or more)  in attorney fees, deposition costs and other court fees in fighting this case when they could have easily resolved the case for even less than the loss.  Silly. Anyway, the Bank attempted to make up a number of rather silly excuses as to why they would not reimburse the client the money. The investigators at the Bank were instructed to ignore requests from the client (and his lawyers) to even discuss the reimbursement issue. After the client filed suit to get his money back, the Bank made up even newer and sillier excuses as to why they would not pay the client back. The Bank even permitted itself to be listed as the "victim" (for criminal restitution purposes) in the criminal case that was filed by the State of Ohio against the thief - and still took the position that they did not have to pay our client.

The trial judge rejected all of the rather silly excuses advanced by Dollar Bank - and the Court of Appeals affirmed the Judge's decision. The Bank is now trying to get the Supreme Court of Ohio to take the case. Stay tuned to see what happens next.  Incredible cave-person mentality from even a bank here.