Children in Cuyahoga County Are At Greater Risk for Lead Poisoning

lead poisoning children ohio

It may surprise you how many suburbs within Cuyahoga County have been labeled high risk by the Ohio Department of Health

There is no safe level of lead and children under age six face the greatest threat from lead exposure. If your family is living in a home built before 1978, then your child is legally required to have access to blood testing for lead.

Make sure your child gets the proper medical care and required testing for lead poisoning. Speak to your pediatrician about the process to check any lead levels in your child.

All blood levels made by a venous draw that are 5ug/dL or greater require assistance from the Ohio Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.

Don't allow your child to struggle with lead poisoning alone. If you and your family are at risk, let us provide the help you need and contact us today.